Courses we deliver…

The biggest asset of any organisation is the staff employed and effective training in people brings a return on that investment. All our courses are action orientated with delegates encouraged to build a personal action plan stating what they are going to implement as a result of each course they undertake. We have organised our…

What Others Say – Training

“|f you are looking for someone to deliver workshops or training around leadership development, make sure you grab a coffee with Alastair.” Simon Chapman, Lloyds Bank “Alastair Jones delivered Supervision and Appraisal Training for SCT’s managers.  It was clear, compelling and helped grow and solidify best practice for us as an organisation. The content he…

Headwinds and Tailwinds

As part of the Cadence Leadership Manifesto I have also been thinking about Headwinds and Tailwinds. Something that we can relate in so many aspects of business and leadership. We are more cognitively aware of the headwinds we face as barriers than the tailwinds that assist us. I’m a cyclist and I can definitely speak…